@Leiden Botanical Gardens
Taoist face wash by Amy.
Experience: You do practise the exercice to stimplate your body parts. for every move you have a diffrant selection of parts you stimulate. it made me relaxed and concentrated and more at peace in my body. my body stoped moving around. i was in the present. And the enviorment like the setting was also chill. good combo.
I learnd:
If i want to read a difficult text: GO OUTSIDE
Blind route exercise
When it was my turn to be blindfolders. The experiences:
-The hallways felt longer to walk trough.
-I heard and smell better.
-I have no difficulties to trust people.
@ 2-day workshop “queering sports"
@Leiden Botanical Gardens
At the day we had 2 speaker who i really liked. that was Zeljko and Gabriel.
Zeljko talked about sports in the gay scene and black people in sports. I did not know a lot about this and thought that the diffrance is not that big. LOL. very naif. But its pretty big. So that was mind opening and i understand. For example what Billy Jean King did Woman in tennis. More of this in my notes.
Gabriel he talked about sports in a collective way no winner or loser but playing because you want to be toghter. he diveloped a game. who i really amired expecally the clotes he made!!!
@ Sound practice Amy's class
Why: during the queering sports day i realasised that for a lot of humans sport can be found traumatizing. So i mapped sound who i linked to trauma and sports.

How: i used fruityloops to make the sound. i used alo samples from sites freesample.com and also i recorderd sounds. place them together.

What do i think: for me it was fun to work with a new medium. And discover sound in a new way. I tried to tell a story in sound a beginning and ending and take the silenter on a journey.

Reactions: there were a lot of diffrant reactions. some people hart start to race. others felt sweat on there palms. an other kid expiranced her own panick attackt when she get one on the streets. thet is how powerfull sound can be.
@ Intervention
what: Stop single use in our own school. com on guys we are living in 2019 and we are very aware of what single use of plastics happens to our world.

how: Me and my team (Faye, Alex, Daan) bought 8 muks, bowls and cuttarly for our intervantion. bringt to bowls what will be our washing station.

reactions: people reacted very good and keep plastic weave in mind
@ How to respect people in class
we had to write down why we choose Cultural Diversity. And our expectations

we also discussed how we talk in a group with eathoter. because this heavy subjects can hurt people.

the point if the second exercise was to create a comferteble invioirment i understand that completly the only thing is er was no time left to discuss the whole intro tekst.. super sad
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